Tuesday, May 17, 2011

THE ONE DAY WAY by Chantel Hobbs – a review

The full title of this book by Chantel Hobbs is, The One Day Way, Today is All the Time You Need to Lose All the Weight You Want.
If any of you are like me, when it comes to dieting we tend to look at the big picture instead of making smaller goals. For instance, right now I would like to lose a CHUNK of weight. Before starting a new diet program I always try to calculate how long it will take me to lose the weight. This is just setting myself up for disappointment.

When I was 16 years old, my Mom took me to a diet doctor who put me on seven different pills. As I look back I believe they were probably mostly vitamins and placebos, but they helped me lose weight because of the diet & exercise that went along with them. Unfortunately, I gained it back and then some. I have been on Weight Watchers, Nutri Systems (back when they had ‘clinics’), Jenny Craig, Liquid Protein, and Optifast. I must tell you I lost loads of weight with all of these programs so they do work. Unfortunately, I never learned to do it right so the weight always came back on. Let me correct myself, I learned to do it right (fewer calories & more exercise) but I never made it a lifestyle change.

With all that said, I’d like to tell you what I have learned in reading Chantel’s book. To lose weight & keep it off, I MUST do it one day at a time. Did you hear me? ONE DAY AT A TIME! If any of you are dieters you probably understand what it’s like to think you blew your diet because you ate more then you should have or didn’t get your exercise in. Then the next day you may think, “I blew it yesterday so why even bother.” Let me tell you, in reading Chantel’s book everything made sense. We shouldn’t look back at yesterday…it’s over. Today is now. If we concentrate on making today the best it can be and concentrate on Faith, Food & Fitness we can win this battle for life.

In this book, Chantel, explains how important celebrating the small successes should be in your life. She also says that you should fast one meal a week BUT before you get excited, you also get a Celebratory meal each week as well.

Within the book Chantel gives you an example of a seven day menu for losing weight and a seven day menu for maintaining weight. The food is normal everyday food so you don’t have to go out and by prepackaged foods. She also has a chapter on exercise and how you can get a full workout right at home by purchasing nothing more than a Medicine Ball and Resistance Bands.

On the back of the book is a quote from Chantel that I will be printing out and putting in strategic areas (fridge maybe). It reads:

Yesterday’s mistakes are gone, so let them go.
You can’t control tomorrow, so stop worrying about it.
Today is your chance to lose weight, get strong, and look great.

While I haven’t started my One Day Way as of yet, I will be starting soon. This book was extremely inspirational and Chantel speaks of faith throughout the book. Looking to God for help is something we all should do.

I rate The One Day Way 5 stars.

Smiles & Blessings,

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